Tue. Jan 21st, 2025

Creeping towards clarity in Covid confusion

Help for members from Volleyball England

Although operating from home, the staff at Volleyball England has been working hard to put in place support for its membership. On its web site{www.volleyballengland.org} it explains that the Hub team has pulled together key resources and examples of best practice in areas such as finance, communications, and facility hire, which can be explored below in order to support clubs through this uncertain period.

Nevertheless, while working hard to tackle emerging challenges, it recognises that it does not have solutions to all the problems being experienced. If there is an issue not addressed below and you need some support, please email membership@volleyballengland.org and the team will do its best to overcome it with you.

Competition is probably the heading that will most interest London readers and the article explains that in mid-March, Volleyball England made the difficult decision to cancel all camps, competitions, and courses until late May, very soon having to extend this period of cancelled activity to the end of June. The result was the 19/20 season of the National Volleyball League being left with many games left unplayed while competitions such as the Sitting Grand Prix could not be completed. The association’s Competitions Working Group is aiming to make a fair and transparent decision by the end of April on how these competitions will be concluded. They allowed t methodology for this decision to be applied to regional and local leagues but not be mandated.

Other subjects are mentioned and if London members have a difficulty with any of the subjects, the article is worth sturdy. They cover funding including details of a Sport England package, a community emergency fund, sector stimulation, government support and Charities Aid Foundation and advice on how to approach club finances.. There are suggestions on health and well-being. They include tips on communication. They give suggestions on how to maintain relationships with your club venue. They tell us they are using the opportunity to update and develop digital versions of the referee and coach courses. Finally, of course, safe-guarding continues.

For most a visit is well worth the time.

Contributor, Douglas Barr-Hamilton