Sun. Mar 30th, 2025

London League is back this weekend

On Friday evening the ref’s whistle will blow and the first London League match for over 18 months will be under way. The pandemic may still be with us, competitive volleyball embracing new rules about sanitising equipment and social distancing in the sports hall and life not yet officially bak to normal but it will be a momentous day.

On 26th April 2020 Lionhearts East and Rebels were joint top of the women’s Premier Division table and SQUAD top of the men’s with Richmond and Onyx tied for second. The names of the entrants are in the most part very familiar but everyone welcomes Waterloo Thunders into the women’s league as well as TAP, Polonia pro volley and Phoenix second team into the men’s but are saddened that several men’s teams have not re-entered reducing the second division to two eight team leagues from three, Tunnel Diggers’ absence after many years providing interesting opposition caused by the relatively few health rules still being applied.

Competitive volleyball is back in London