Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Where can we play?

The rules keep changing and the latest revision reflects the imposition of graded zones earlier this week to replace “Lockdown”. A comprehensive article has been published on the Volleyball England website and is well worth studying. It describes the nature of play permitted in the various tiers but stresses the proviso: as long as Volleyball England’s Government-approved guidance is adhered to and the activity is classed as ‘organised’

London has been placed in local Covid alert lever HIGH (Tier 2) and the following can take place

  • Organised volleyball and beach volleyball can continue to take place outdoors.
  • Sitting volleyball training can continue to take place outdoors.
  • Indoor volleyball must comply with the rule of household, so it can only be played between those from the same household or support bubble.

Exemptions to the rule of six still apply for under 18s, disabled athletes and sport for educational purposes. Supervisors and coaches are allowed into junior sessions, but spectators are not. The rules for the other tiers are detailed in the article.

It also describes what is classed as ‘organised volleyball activity: an activity that is organised by a national governing body, club, registered coach, business or charity. In all cases, the organiser must conduct a risk assessment and take all reasonable steps to limit transmission of Covid-19 by reference to that risk assessment and adhere to Volleyball England’s return to volleyball guidance as well as defining a support bubble: a support bubble is a support network which links two households. You have to meet certain criteria to form a support bubble. This means not everyone will be able to form a support bubble. More information here

The article provides updated information on which groups are exempt from the rule of six restrictions:

  • Households/support bubbles
  • Under 18s (including young people who were 17 at the start of the academic year, even if they turn 18 during the remainder of that year), so long as the sessions are supervised
  • Elite athletes following the appropriate Government guidance 
  • Disabled athletes
  • Those for whom volleyball activity is part of the curriculum in education.

Are we able to travel to an area under a different tier’s rules for the purpose of sport? The article tells us that people may travel out of an area in the HIGH (Tier 2) alert level into an area in the MEDIUM (Tier 1) alert level for the purpose of sport. If we do, we should take a responsible approach to travel and if travelling with others, wear a facemask. 

We must not travel either out of or into an area that falls into the VERY HIGH (Tier 3) category for sport. Exemptions apply  for under 18s, disabled athletes and for educational purposes – including where it is necessary in support of volleyball activity for those groups. Please take a responsible approach to travel and if you’re travelling with others. Wear a facemask.

It’s important that all club activity ensures it remains covered by its Volleyball England member insurance so they must follow government and Volleyball England guidance to remain covered. For more information on the insurance cover click here. There is no cover for contracting Covid-19 under Volleyball England’s membership insurance due to the challenges in pinpointing when and where it was transmitted. Affiliated clubs following Volleyball England’s guidance will receive assistance from Sports Insure should a claim be raised against a club.

Finally, we are reminded that every club is required to have a Covid-19 officer for each session of volleyball activity The officer must ensure that all of the mitigating measures and guidance is followed. Click here to find out more about the Covid-19 Officer role


Contributor, Douglas Barr-Hamilton


Source, Volleyball England